Case Studies

To provide a little more insight into what we can offer your organisation, below are brief highlights from some of the previous change projects and programmes we have been involved in delivering. To jump to case studies in the below categories, just click the buttons below.


Operating Model - HMG Client

The Challenge

  • The Pandemic threatened to undermine the delivery of information, data and advice to HMG, and the client was forced to review its core operating model. The Director General requested a diagnostic review and recommendations to build in resilience and minimise risk in the new operating model.​

Our Approach

  • We established a Foundational Change Office to design and deliver a structural and working practices review of the entire organisation, to identify evidence-based strengths and vulnerabilities data to inform the design of an optimised, future-proofed operating model.​
  • We worked across an international landscape (Europe, Asia, North & South Americas) using multi-modal data gathering techniques. 10% of the organisation was engaged and involved, across a range of roles, grades, experiences and geographies. 207 people in 10 countries consulted individually, and senior management teams and key stakeholders consulted to provided additional input. ​

Key Products/Outcomes

  • A summary of key observations capturing people’s experiences, processes, capabilities and outputs/deliverables that had been fundamentally impacted by the pandemic.​
  • Clear analysis of business vulnerabilities, and people and partnership morale.​
  • Comprehensive and prioritised guidance for the creation of a change programme to address the findings of the review. 

Operating Model - HMG Client [2]

The Challenge

  • An internal review showed that only a small fraction of vital Defence reporting was actually being consumed by the intended HMG readership base. This meant a vast amount of Government spend to generate these insights was of little or no value.​

Our Approach

  • Conducted further analysis of the data to ensure accuracy of the conclusions before developing options for remediation. Canvassed senior stakeholders to ensure consensus that this was an issue that needed to be resolved most urgently.​
  • Launched project to understand root cause (inaccurate tasking/requests and added to poor information classification meant it was not being read/used) ​
  • Began developing a new information management approach and op model along with supporting processes and tooling that would finally rectify the issue.​

Key Products/Outcomes

  • New operating model and information structure that would allow the valuable information be routed to those who needed it most in a seamless way. Began a change journey that would enable the info producers/customers to engage and absorb the changes. ​
  • Developed a cloud-hosted web app that would manage the information better and allow it to be interrogated and delivered to recipients in a more efficient way.​
  • Rolled out the new op model and tech solution to 5k users with full training, enabling them to use the new model with no adverse input to their key roles. 

Digital Transformation - Local Authority Client

The Challenge

  • To enable a local authority client to create new relationships with residents, businesses and communities using digital technology and deliver cost savings.

Our Approach

  • Delivery of Digital Insight Review to inform strategy and change programme dev't. ​
  • Development of digital transformation strategy outlining the target areas for the local authority to prioritise in delivering digital change. ​
  • Implemented a change governance structure including a Tech Design Authority with senior leadership and member (Local Councillor) buy-in and commitment. ​
  • Established the change management office (CMO) ensuring the right skills, capacity and capability to deliver technology and cultural change.​
  • Extensive staff and end-user engagement to design, develop and implement multiple technology solutions – including staff and community panels and networks to inform change approaches.

Key Products/Outcomes

  • Implemented digital front doors for children and young people’s services and adult social care creating seamless online solutions for service users. ​
  • Implemented mobile technology for frontline services (social workers, community staff etc) enabling cultural change, service re-design and a digitally enabled workforce in the field - leading to greater productivity and cost savings of £10m+.

Brand & Culture Change

Tech-based Change (ERP) - HMG Client

The Challenge

  • Lead a key part of a £500M+ multi-organisation ERP transformation and integration of connected systems, including rationalisation of HR/Finance process and policy. 

Our Approach

  • Engaging/influencing a team of 30-50 key stakeholders from across the organisations, and a project team of about 15-20 to deliver the technical implementation and integrations required.​
  • Led workstreams to understand and deliver the key business changes required to enable adoption of the technical capabilities and new business processes.  ​
  • Led a strand of work to review and harmonise engrained HR and Finance policy between partner organisations with the aim of delivering widespread future efficiency savings. 

Key Products/Outcomes

  • 300+ changes analysed and delivery planned to ensure smooth transition.​
  • Engagement with 1000+ early adopters, and planning for change network to engage with c.24,000 diverse user base globally. ​
  • Successful change and comms plan execution to a wide and diverse user base, all with competing interests and understanding of the tech and process changes.​
  • Once-in-a-generation tech modernisation that would last 20+ years. ​
  • Savings of £200m+ annually and providing a single source of truth for HR data and a single platform for all other HR-related applications. 

Tech-based Change (App) - HMG Client

The Challenge

  • ​Lead the digital transformation and modernisation of a critical business system at end-of-life and no longer supported in current state or configuration; needing to be fully upgraded to cloud technology with no deterioration or loss of service.

Our Approach

  • Running business analysis and architectural assessments to understand the current configuration, all associated business processes and dependent or integrated systems
  • Designed and implemented a plan to migrate the whole system away from legacy infrastructure onto private cloud with updated security and services.​
  • Engaged a stripy team of Senior stakeholders and key suppliers who administered the various parts of the system. Required a great deal of upward stakeholder management (up to Director level) and complex daily negotiations to arrive at an acceptable solution in what was an impossibly short timeframe.

Key Products/Outcomes

  • A rigorously tested technical migration and business change plan.​
  • Supplier engagement, management and commercial negotiations to enable a new contract to be put in place for technical delivery and support/maintenance regime for the new system.​
  • Migration of the new system onto private cloud, tested and made Live for 100s of users.

Change Framework and Toolkit - Insurance Client

The Challenge

  • Build a single standard framework for change management execution across the organisation in order to streamline activity as well as create a consistent customer experience for successful change implementation and adoption. 

Our Approach

  • Build an integrated Project and Change Delivery Lifecycle.​
  • Build a Change Practitioner's Guide detailing 'what to do' and 'when to do it'.​
  • Build a Change Playbook including all of the tools, templates, guidance and tips.​
  • Build Change Management Service Levels to support with awareness of the role, scope and remit management and budgeting. 

Key Products/Outcomes

  • A Gold Standard scalable approach to Change Management designed for Change Practitioners and Change Business Partners operating within a CMO.​
  • A Change Management Framework that compliments an Agile implementations. ​
  • Improved data quality through standardisation for informed decision making across the Landscape of Change. ​
  • A Community of Practice for hub and spoke Practitioner's and Business Partners to pool knowledge and experience based on a common Framework.

Programme Set-Up - HMG Client

The Challenge

  • Initiate programme and implement PMO for a programme with a multi-organisation leadership and governance team, multi-organisation stakeholders and delivery teams and a truly national supplier base. 

Our Approach

  • Establish and refine the Vision, Scope and Aims & Objectives of the programme.​
  • Understand and capture the design (e.g. which projects will be required) and approach for the way the programme will be run (e.g. comms plan, governance structure, reporting).​
  • Agree the initial resource picture and responsibilities for each area of the programme.​
  • Capture intended benefits and commence planning for benefits realisation strand.

Key Products/Outcomes

  • Programme set up completed with a competent and fully trained PMO with clearly defined roles and responsibilities.​
  • Securely hosted, managed and accessed Programme documentation repository.​
  • Key programme information (scope, vision, projects etc) documented and shared to key stakeholders/governance members.​
  • Agreement of initial delivery priorities and key projects set up and launched.​
  • Heartbeat established for communicating with all project teams via monthly Townhalls and weekly All-Hands calls.

International, Multi-site Top-team Development - Entertainment & Streaming Company

The Challenge​

  • Develop a high performing top team across multiple European geographies to deliver international strategic objectives. 

Our Approach​

  • Ensured that cultural differences were recognised, understood and incorporated into any future organisational design activities.​
  • Co-collaboration based on recognising individual national requirements (e.g. labour laws) and shared international objectives and deliverables.​
  • Sustainable by design – we ensured that we had future-proofed ways of working in order to minimise disruption resulting from changes in personnel. 

Key Products/Outcomes​

  • Local engagement roll-out plans focusing on national and international objectives.​
  • Development and implementation of a detailed Ways of working charter.
  • Increased understanding, empathy and trust amongst the top team. ​
  • Clarity of purpose and commitment to shared goals.​

Delivery of Persona-based Change - HMG Client

The Challenge

  • Develop a modern and efficient data-handling platform to empower users needing to interrogate diverse data sets, to enable accurate and timely decision making. 

Our Approach

  • Adopted a fully user-centric approach (e.g. including in-depth interviews) to understand the user pain points and workflow challenges relating to data handling and security risks.​
  • Worked with stakeholders (analysts, data engineers/scientists, IT managers and business stakeholders) to develop personas based on roles, requirements, behaviours and mapped these onto a service blueprint.​
  • Applied agile methodology to incorporate evolving user needs, ensuring flexibility in feature development and optimal prioritisation of build activities.​
  • Developed relationships with upstream and downstream support teams and service providers to generate collaborative platform development and maximise value of the service provision.

Key Products/Outcomes

  • Positive and increased rates of user adoption due to the intuitive and accessible new UI, with significantly enhanced user experience and reduced pain points.​
  • Comprehensive training material to aid user uptake of key support systems.​
  • Increased efficiencies and reduced data triage times via the new platform.​
  • Improved data quality and data processing capabilities.

Change Maturity & Capability - Insurance Client

The Challenge

  • Increase Change Management maturity across the organisation in order to improve business resilience and achieve greater return on investment with the resources and budget available to deliver transformation objectives.

Our Approach

  • Analyse the organisation to determine segments and audiences​
  • Carry out change mgt maturity assessments using a systematic, data-led approach ​
  • Map the as-is and to-be states ​
  • Build a maturity strategy and associated learning pathways to close the gaps​
  • Create learning and training content in association with the Learning Pathways ​
  • Launch pathways for respective segments and audiences.

Key Products/Outcomes

  • Targeted and tailored change management Learning and development plans for all roles that deliver or encounter change including sponsors, people managers, Change champions and recipients of change.​
  • Industry and org-specific training content designed for immediate value-add.​
  • A change management learning strategy and plan based on objectives and outcomes, monitored by KPI's and metrics to demonstrate closing maturity gap. 

Data-driven tracking to deliver Continuous Improvement - HMG Client

The Challenge

  • Deliver the UK Government's Covid-19 Track & Trace mandate for a client with a global workforce by collecting, analysing and reporting near real-time case data.

Our Approach

  • Conducted needs assessment to understand the reqts and constraints relating to track and trace within the client workforce, and understand the current situation. ​
  • Assessment of existing in-house technologies available for the application and design of a comprehensive and customised track and trace system. ​
  • Established continuous data collection protocols, including near real-time reporting of symptoms, test results and contact tracing information.​
  • Collaborated with health authorities to ensure alignment of tracking system with standard health guidelines and seamless information sharing protocols.

Key Products/Outcomes

  • Implementation of a track and trace capability for the COVID support team to manage.​
  • Comprehensive communications campaign to provide reassurance, awareness, education and live updates to client sponsors, managers and the global workforce.
  • Continuous data collection facilitating informed and timely data-driven decision making relating to workforce safety and operational continuity. ​
  • Continual adaptation and improvement of the system through ongoing feedback loops addressing user improvements, issues or gaps in functionality. 

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Developing a DEI strategy - HMG Client

The Challenge

  • Developing an evidence-based DEI strategy that was underpinned by an accurate identification of the levers that were unintentionally hindering progress towards the realisation of a more equitable organisation.​
  • In the wake of the George Floyd murder in May 2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic many organisations including HMG departments recognised the need to address the growing chasm between the static/slow moving norms of corporations and the external reality.

Our Approach

  • Traditional and online data gathering techniques organised by protected characteristics and additional organisational variables such as grade, type of role, length of service etc. Some individuals also contributed without affiliation to any particular group/community.​
  • Structured and un-structured inputs via focus groups, one-to-ones, surveys (e.g. belonging) covering a workforce across an international landscape. ​
  • Applied an analytical framework that explored organisational elements such as: culture, ​policies, incentives, rituals, stories etc. 

Key Products/Outcomes

  • A strategic, evidence based DEI strategy focusing on organisational priorities.​
  • Detailed report describing the lived experience of staff based on the key themes of the analysis: inward looking; members only club mentality and a culture of privilege. ​
  • Multiple infographics summarising observations, trends and data-driven facts.​
  • Engaging communications plan and roll-out, as a precursor to an implementation strategy and business change plan.

Multi-modal Training Service Provision - HMG Client

The Challenge

  • ​To provide DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) allyship training for a segmented workforce: different awareness/capability levels, roles, grades and line management responsibilities.

Our Approach

  • To be inclusive by design – ensuring maximum accessibility. ​
  • Design multiple options in order to appeal to different learning styles/motivations.​
  • Collaborative design and delivery team of subject matter experts, learners and senior stakeholder leaders. ​
  • Provide tangible 'takeaways' (products and processes) to reinforce learning.

Key Products/Outcomes

  • Online (intranet) foundation level module that could be completed in learners' own timescales and in multiple sittings.​
  • Virtual discussion drop-in sessions to explore and further understand the concepts covered in the on-line module.​
  • Face-to-face interactive group learning module – to explore personal experiences and organisational culture and change.​
  • 'Workbook' and further complementary 'hard' materials to aid individual learning
  • Tools, frameworks, glossaries etc. designed to be shared with wider teams.​
  • Shared understanding of org specific institutional and structural DEI issues.​
  • Better informed and committed workforce, empowered to be DEI allies.
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